
As a Trust we work in partnership with parents and carers and other relevant professionals to provide the best possible outcomes for our young people. We welcome parents/carers in every half term for drop-in sessions as an opportunity to meet the team and receive feedback on how their young person is progressing. We also offer information for parents at these sessions including consultation around PSHE and RSE, careers and next steps and Duke of Edinburgh award in our September evening and online safety in our November evening. Information from the sessions during the evening is sent out to all parents after the event.

Additionally, students receive half termly reports which identify things that are going well and areas to improve for every student in every subject.

Parents should contact the class teacher in the first incident for any curriculum-based questions and the SENCo and Pastoral lead for any SEND/Pastoral matters.

The Trust is overseen by a board of Trustees who also act as governance for the school. The Chair of Trustees is Dr Haymo Thiel


Information from Parent’s Evenings