Learn, Empower, Achieve, Develop

Young people face multiple challenges, including worries about family finance, poor mental health, and pressures from school and peers. Many of these can be overwhelming and seem insurmountable.

Our aim

To build confidence in the community and meaningful, trusted relationships, whilst acquiring the academic skills and knowledge to lead a healthy and enriched life. Accomplishing our goals and objectives for young people under our care requires multiple specialists to work collaboratively to achieve the best outcome.

Who are we?

Approach Learning is a provider of bespoke educational programmes which include counselling and careers guidance to young people who are considered hard to reach. These are often students who have been excluded from mainstream education, or may suffer from severe anxiety and require additional support to achieve their true potential. Some of these young people have needs and vulnerabilities, which will make them at risk of being drawn into criminal activities or becoming NEET (Not in Education or Employment). We have experience of working with vulnerable young people, and students who have struggled in other provisions.

What do we do?

Our team works with 11-19 year olds providing an educational programme combined with counselling, careers guidance and access to our exam centre to empower young people. After meeting with young people, parents, and agencies, we provide an individual plan for each student to encourage, motivate, develop confidence, raise self-esteem, and discipline through a variety of activities. We will provide a plan for progression to facilitate transition into education, jobs, or apprenticeships. Our combined package can be up to 15 hours a week.

Best of luck for the future of the Approach Programme. There is obviously a need for it, to help other children who haven’t had the early interventions to cope in a normal classroom and I hope BCP continue to support you.
— Parent of a previous Approach student

To find out more, please contact George Leighton at gleighton@crlt.org.uk